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Funding Targets


​The prize is only possible thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. The prize will only go ahead in 2025 if the minimum funding target of £800 is reached. Our funding targets are as follows:​


Funding Tier 1 = £800

  • PRIZE POT = £400 (1st Prize = £250, 2nd Prize = £100, 3rd Prize = £50)



Funding Tier 2 = £1200

  • PRIZE POT = £600 (1st Prize = £300, 2nd Prize = £150, 3rd Prize = £50, 4x category prizes of £25 each)


  • WELKIN LAUREATE**** = £200


Funding Tier 3 = £1600

  • PRIZE POT = £700 (1st Prize = £350, 2nd Prize = £150, 3rd Prize = £50, 6x category prizes of £25 each)


  • WELKIN LAUREATE**** = £200



Funding Tier 4 = £2000

  • PRIZE POT = £900 (1st Prize = £400, 2nd Prize = £200, 3rd Prize = £100, 4th Prize = £50, 6x category prizes of £25 each)


  • WELKIN LAUREATE**** = £200



Funding Tier 5 = £3500

  • PRIZE POT = £1100 (1st Prize = £500, 2nd Prize = £250, 3rd Prize = £100, 4th Prize = £50, 8x category prizes of £25 each)


  • WELKIN LAUREATE**** = £200


  • FESTIVAL = £900


**Please note that "admin & miscellaneous" covers website, email and organisational costs. The time to organise the competition, to read initial entries, to communicate with entrants, to manage social media accounts, and to provide editorial input on winning stories is estimated at 400 hours (approximately £8000 at a reflective wage) - to make sure the maximum benefit can be provided to the writing community, this is carried out by volunteers, but it is noted here to provide context.


****The Welkin Laureate will be someone appointed to act as judge and ambassador for the prize. They will also be commissioned to write a story for the prize website.

General Sponsors


​If you would like to help The Welkin Writing Prize reach our funding targets then you can donate any amount however big or small. One of the things that makes the prize different from other writing prizes is that it is free to enter and this will always be the case. However, if you are in a position to do so, you might consider a donation of between £5 and £10 to match the entry fee you would be charged elsewhere.


You can donate here.

Sponsor a Category Prize​

If you would be interested in sponsoring a category prize, we would love to hear from you. Category prizes will be awarded at £25 each, and you would need to give the full amount plus any transaction charges. Please see the possible category prizes listed in our rules of entry.​


Please get in contact using

Become a Partner of the Prize


​We would love to hear from organisations and individuals who would like to become a partner of the prize (a) by sponsoring an amount of £200 upwards, (b) by offering something bespoke we might add to the prize pot, or (c) helping us to achieve one of our stretch goals. In return, we will do our best to promote your organisation and services.


Examples of Bespoke Prize Offerings

  • Membership of a writing community

  • A writing course or workshop

  • Editorial services

  • Mentoring services

  • Book vouchers


Examples of Support for Stretch Goals

  • Support with anthology printing

  • Offer a free / reduced cost workshop as part of the Welkin Writing Festival


If you are interested in becoming a partner of the prize, please get in touch at

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Email
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